2023 paper

first two rows:
handmade rag paper, rice paper, collage, zipper, rice paper, acrylic paint. textile, thread, paillettes, clothing trims

third row:
cyanotypes with ink

2022 paper

top row: collage and ink

second row: ink drawings

third section: installation taking place at NYC CUlture Club, WTC

2022 installation
materials; paper, acrylic paint, mica chips

Close Your Eyes (Ambiguous Loss)
cut and assembled pieces of rice paper composed of acrylic paint, housepaint, matt medium, silver leaf, mica flakes, washi tape

Often we think it unlikely that a loss we experience will result in emotional closure. For some of us, loss can involve losing species, habitat, in fact, nature itself. This kind of loss leaves a person with the urgency to search for answers, thus complicating and delaying the process of grieving often resulting in unresolved grief, existentialism and the spiritual. Many of us today are experiencing ambiguousloss. This installation of a tall curved halo represents a door that leads to another place.

installed at NYC Culture Club, Oculus, World Trade Center


top row: medium scale acrylic, gloss medium on rice paper

bottom row: small scale acrylic, gouache + collage

2019 acrylic paint, collage, fabric, paper tape

2018 collage, ink, whiteout, paper tape, plastic film, found photos

2017 found photos, threads, stickers, collage, ink

2016 collage, cut acrylic films, fabric, collage, ribbon

2015 (collage, ink, paper tape)

2014 (collage, ink, paper tape)

2013 (collage, ink, paper tape, cut felt, tassels)

2012 (collage, ink, paper tape, plastic cut-outs, copper wire)

2011 (collage, ink, thread clump, fashion notions)

2000-2010 (collage, acrylic paint, ink, feathers, mica chips)